UTI Treatment

Feeling the burn and not in a good way? We know how uncomfortable and common Urinary Tract Infection treatments can be, which is why we offer a range of treatment options.

Book a virtual consultation for only R300 and have your medication delivered for free or opt for our prescription-only option and collect your medication at your local pharmacy.

1. Complete a health assessment

Decide what’s right for you and complete a quick, private medical assessment

2. Consult with a Partner Doctor online

Meet online with one of our licensed Partner Doctors to discuss your treatment options

3. Get your treatment

Your medication ships FREE to you in discreet packaging or receive an e-prescription

Our Offering

Once-off Treatment

Medical Aid


Once-off Treatment

Doctor Fees

E-prescription Available

Service Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication



Once-off Treatment

Doctor Fees

E-prescription Available

Service Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication

Urinary tract infections are common and in most cases easily treatable.

Our UTI treatment offering allows you to virtually consult with one of our Partner Doctors for R300 with the option of getting your treatment all at the same time.

Have your prescribed medication discreetly delivered for free to your door, or ask your assigned Partner Doctor during your consultation to receive your prescription via email for R50.

Got any questions?

Chat to us live or check out our Helpdesk. Alternatively, you can email us at support@contro.co.za

The lowdown on down below

A urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder infection occurs in the urinary tract, and can spread to the kidneys. UTIs are common in both men and women and can result in symptoms such as, painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased frequency of urination, and blood tinged, cloudy, or strong-smelling urine.

UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter the body through the urethra and multiply in the urinary tract. It is estimated that E. coli accounts for between 80-90% of UTIs and is overwhelmingly the most common cause of bladder infections.

Our Partner Doctors can assist you with the medication you need to treat your UTI.


What are the common symptoms of a UTI?
A UTI or bladder infection may cause pain in the pelvis, an increased urge to urinate, painful urination and you may find blood in the urine. Pain can also occur during sexual intercourse.
What causes a UTI?
UTIs are caused most commonly by bacteria entering the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. Although UTIs commonly occur in the urethra and bladder, bacteria can also travel up the ureters and cause an infection in the kidneys.
Can you get a UTI from sex?
Yes, bacteria that lives in the vagina, genital, and anal areas enter the urethra, travel to the bladder, and cause an infection. This can happen during sexual activity when bacteria from your partner’s genitals, anus, fingers, or sex toys gets pushed into your urethra.
How do I prevent a UTI?
Prevention of UTIs is achieved through healthy lifestyle changes such as drinking plenty of fluids daily, avoid holding in urine, urinate before and after sex and taking probiotics.
When should I see a doctor?
In some instances a UTI may have no symptoms, however if you experience a, strong, constant urge to urinate, burning while urinating, cloudy or bloody urine (red, pink, or cola-colored), smelly urine or pelvic pain (in women) you should seek medical assistance.

UTI Treatment

Can you treat a UTI online?
Yes, a doctor can treat a UTI online based on your symptoms during a virtual consultation. At Contro, men and women over the age of 18 can chat with one of our Partner Doctors about their symptoms and get treatment prescribed and delivered to them from just R300.

Please note, we are not an emergency service, and if you require urgent care please seek in-person treatment.

Our Partner Doctors reserve the right to refuse treatment based on their professional medical and ethical opinion.

How much does Contro’s UTI treatment service cost?
A virtual UTI treatment consultation with one of our Partner Doctors costs R300. This includes all doctors fees, prescription fees and free delivery.

After a successful consultation, cash customers will additionally be charged for their prescribed medication. The treatment price will vary and will depend on which medication(s) your assigned Partner Doctor prescribes you. Our Partner Doctors will always work within your budget and ensure you get the best possible treatment available. The total cost for cash customers is between R399 – R795 depending on your diagnosis and prescribed medication.

The total cost for medical aid customers is R300.

Does Contro replace my primary doctor?
No, Contro’s service offering does not replace your primary doctor. We save you time and money by offering you a supplementary online delivery and subscription service, and therefore your assigned Partner Doctor does not replace your primary doctor or GP and is not responsible for your ongoing primary care.
Can I claim through my medical aid?

Yes, but only for your medication costs. Medical aid customers are still required to pay our service fees. We are working hard to get the medical aid providers to cover this fee.

Our Partner Pharmacy will claim your medication with your medical aid scheme. If your claim is unsuccessful we will reach out to you and confirm you are happy to pay privately for your medication instead.

If you are unsure whether your medical aid scheme will cover your prescribed medication, or allow you to use your savings to pay for your prescribed medication, please contact your provider.

When and how is my medication delivered to me?

Our Partner Doctors offer consultations Monday – Friday excluding public holidays. We aim to offer you a consultation within 2 business days.

During your consultation, your assigned Partner Doctor will ask if you would like to have your medication delivered or if you would like to receive the prescription via email. If you opt for the delivery option, your prescription will be sent electronically to our Partner Pharmacy. Our Partner Pharmacy will contact you telephonically to confirm your details and delivery address and will make a claim on your behalf if you have provided medical aid details.

Their pharmacy team will prepare and despatch your medication to your chosen delivery address. Once your order has been despatched, delivery time is 1-3 business days.


You will receive an SMS from our Partner Pharmacy to notify you that your medication has been despatched. This will contain a tracking number that will allow you to track your medication with the applicable courier service here.

Please note, you cannot change your delivery address once payment has been processed and your prescription has been sent to our Partner Pharmacy for processing.

Can I just receive my prescription?
Yes! During your consultation, your assigned Partner Doctor will ask if you would like to have your medication delivered or if you would like to receive your prescription via email.

If you opt for our prescription-only option, you will immediately receive a link via email to download your prescription as a PDF. Your prescription will be available for download for 30 days after your consultation and can be downloaded a maximum of 3 times.

Please note, that we charge a R50 prescription fee for this service.

Most pharmacies will request that you forward them the prescription via email. We cannot guarantee the availability of your prescribed medication at your local pharmacy.

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